Monday, September 14, 2009


"Don't let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart."

My thinspo goal is to look like her--------->
(but a little more toned!)

Haven't updated because I haven't been doing so well on my diet. Today I am going to start my transition to vegan. This may be a slow process by eliminateing 90% of all animal products. Things such as bread I'm not going to worry about until I have at least a good 2 months of a *mostly* vegan diet. Avoiding the obvious things such as dairy, meat, and the animal by-products that I can decipher. :-)
In a lot of products it says 'Natural flavors/Natural ingredients' apparently doesn't always mean 'not' animal by-product. :-/ which sucks.. Special K Blueberry doesn't have listed animal ingredients but is says that.

Breakfast: 9:30am

Special K Blueberries-cereal 100cal
Lite soy milk -80cal
Small banana- 80 cal
Total: 260 calories
Lunch: 12:00pm
Handful of tator tots with honey mustard, 3 bites of grilled cheese sandwhich
100- for grilled cheese bites 170 for tator tots
Total: 270 calories

Salad with light dressing
Total: 100 calories
Total: 1,800 (? due to snacking at work!)
During work I munched on some crackers, chocolate chip cookies, coffee beans and strawberry gummis :-[ Ugh!..that was stuff others shared..It isn't always like that though it is funny that everyone wants to share with me on my transition day! (the grilled cheese was my hunny who shared) Tomorrow if anyone is offering I'll say 'No Thanks!!'
Excercise:NONE :-(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"Do not let big ambitions overshadow small successes."

I went grocery shopping this evening with the hubby and our roommate. It's so hard to eat healthy with two men in the house. I'm vegetarian but I want to go vegan so hard as it is to be vegan in this world it's even harder being the only vegetarian/vegan I know. :-/
Most people I have met so far aren't big fans of vegetables...which is difficult for me to even understand let alone accept.

Ever since our roommate moved in I've put on some chub. I'm a naturally thin girl but I had trouble in the past with depression and I didn't eat much for about two months, dropped weight fast, then I went through a phase..that hasn't ended yet, of me binging everything in sight (besides meat) However, the other day I put a crab puff in my mouth and spit it out immediately. WTF was I thinking?! Ugh!

I did get some good stuff for myself while shopping. I'm determined to be vegan and to eat healthy. There is a blog I'm following, quite a few actually, so I'm not sure which blog but someone mentioned they had sparkling water with frozen blueberries in it..sounded so good I got some today :-)

I haven't been posting as I had wanted..but I suppose now is a good time to make up lost time.

My stats:
Height- 5'7
CW- 122lbs
HW- 135lbs
LW- 115 @ 15 years old
LW- 118 @ 18-20 years old.
Waist- ?? Ithink 38 when bloated
Hips- 32
GOAL: 32, 23, 32
To me the scale means nothing. I understand the concept of muscle VS. fat and right now I have more FAT than I would like to have. I used to be an exotic dancer for about 2 months of my life because a friend did it and I tried it to see what it would be like. I looked my best..but I consumed whatever I wanted- as much or as little- and that included waaay too much alcohol.
I'm not sure how much I weighed then but it was more than I weigh now.I'll follow up with food and excercise tomorrow.
Here are my 'BEFORE' pictures. I'll try and post every month with body pic's.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."-Buddha

I'm Leigh. Not my real (first)name of course, because I like a little mystery.
And anonymity.
Sometimes details don't matter, sometimes they do.

I've struggled with a few things in my life and holding myself back is one of them. My blog is about changing my mindset, thus changing my life.

I feel as if I am floating. Not in a good way but like I'm just air or rather dust particals in the air. Just there. I may only be 21 but I feel I've wasted my life. When I was a child I was extremely afraid of everything. If there was thunder and lightning I would watch the weather channel for something bad to happen. I've had mild OCD since I was 8, panic attacks since I was 15, and recently diagnosed with dysthymia (although this disgnosis is current, I've had some deeper depression). I've delt with mental bullshit for quite some time.

I've been thinking these last few years have been a bitch to get through, all my own fault, but I realise it's always been kind of difficult for me to be happy. There have been a few things I've held on to since I was a child and now I might just let all those dreams go and let life happen as it wants..maybe not. I just don't know who I am..or who I want to be and if that is even the same person.
This blog is about me changing, Becoming. I'd like to be more than a blogger, more than just a student, more than what I do. I never want to have limits or to be stereotyped. I want to be strong in my convictions, limitless in my strength. I never want to waste time or settle.
A path to perfection and happiness I want to pave. My own road to lead.